Paula Pons logo

Brand designer and art director

Highly versatile creative with artistic view and more than 7 years’ experience in the design word. 
I lead brand-marketing, digital and print projects for small and big companies. Whether it’s brand creation, custom packaging or a digital experience I always work with a holistic approach and collaborate with great like-minded creative professionals. My key areas are art direction, visual identity and concept creation with strong strategy-orientation.
I seek to work with socially responsible individuals who are endlessly passionate about what they do, and remain forever curious about what lies ahead.
Contact: [email protected]


Sync Studio 

La G Studio 
Marsh & Parsons
Ajuntament d’Olot (Local Government from Spain)
Bassegoda Grup 
Corporis Studio
Ocho Amsterdam

Algo (d) ritmo, 2023. Galeria Agüita, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain)
Pedra sobre pedra, 2019. Àmbit Espai d’Art, Olot (Spain)
Setba Jove (collective exhibition), 2015. Fundació Setba, Barcelona
Lluèrnia Light Festival, 2014. Olot (Spain) Participated with two public light installations.
Diàlegs Iniciàtics (collective exhibition), 2014. Fundació Setba, Barcelona

Evooleum Best Olive Oil Packaging Design 2022 – Finca la Barca in collaboration with the designer Eduardo Gimenez
Design Calendar Magazine – Women’s Print Edition
Packaging of the World
World Brand Design Society